Nota Máxima

by Ale Tech



Everything you can find on the best online study platform, now in the palm of your hand!With the Nota Máxima app you have everything you need to excel in your test:- the best teachers in Brazil;- a support and monitoring team to assist you;- content for the main entrance exams, in live and recorded classes, with a learning trail for better absorption of knowledge;- submission and correction of essays, so you can practice and understand the points you need to improve;- lists of exercises and exams for university entrance exams, to test the knowledge learned in class and get to know in depth the test you will take;- fixation exercises with video resolution, where you will be able to understand how to solve in practice the issues of each subject;- in addition to various complementary materials such as mind maps, summaries, etc.Get Top Grade! Download our app now! ;)